RECON Offshore specializes in all aspects of Submerged Cultural Resources Management (SCRM) and Maritime Archaeology. With over 48 years’ experience our mission is to provide our clients with the most reliable and accurate results utilizing cutting-edge technologies. From Section 106 compliance, to remote sensing surveys, to data analysis, to diver investigations, Recon Offshore has the capabilities to work worldwide.

Archival/Historical Research
Maritime history research
Primary/secondary source research

Desktop Studies or Assessments
National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) research and nominations
Permit acquisition and advice
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) compliance
Third-party geophysical survey data processing and analysis
Archaeological monitoring plans
Assessment of site significance
Predictive site modeling and risk assessment (utilizing GIS)
Submerged prehistoric/paleoenvironmental reconstruction and geomorphological analysis

Archaeological/beach-face monitoring
Land magnetometer surveys
Shipwreck debris analysis and identification, hulk and vessel recording
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)/Drone surveys

Marine Remote Sensing
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) surveys
Cultural resources support for natural and manmade disaster, Oil spill response
Downed aircraft relocation
Geophysical, Geological and Hazard Surveys
Insurance surveys, loss and recovery
Magnetometer, side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler survey
Natural Resources, live-bottom, oyster reef surveys
Pipeline inspection surveys
Phase I marine archaeological surveys
Ride along surveys, Qualified Marine Archaeologist (QMA) crew supplement
Sector scanning sonar surveys
Underwater utility locates and marking

Underwater Archaeology
Anomaly or target relocation, assessment, identification
Archaeological site testing
Diver investigations
Phase II-Phase III evaluation
Shipwreck excavation and recording
Vibracore collection for paleoenvironmental and geomorphological reconstruction

Artifact curation and planning consultation
Artifact illustration

Education, lesson plans, teacher resources
Interpretation for museums, exhibits
Maritime museum consultation, planning, facilitation
Underwater heritage trails